What Is a Compounding Pharmacy? | Solutions Pharmacy
By now, the word pharmacy is pretty common to you. Need a prescription filled? Go to a pharmacy. Need to pick up bandages, or find an ointment for a bug bite? You visit a pharmacy.
However, what does it mean when a pharmacy calls itself a compounding pharmacy? Let our team at Solutions Pharmacy fill you in on all the details!
Traditional vs. Compounding Pharmacy
Many people take at least one prescription medication. When you are prescribed a medication, it’s vital for you to take the medication correctly to ensure you are treating your healthcare condition appropriately to regain or keep your quality of life.
Since some medications are prescribed for chronic conditions, taking a medication correctly can help ensure you remain in control of your condition. However, not everyone can take the medications dispensed by traditional pharmacies, which is where a compounding pharmacy comes in.
At Solutions Pharmacy, our team is able to meet the needs of the community when it comes to prescriptions where traditional pharmacies can not.
For instance, some medications are only made with an adult in mind, so the dosage and type of medication are geared toward someone who’s older. When a child is prescribed a medication for a condition where a drug is only made in an adult-dosage tablet, that’s where compounding can come into play. A compounding pharmacy can change the dosage and/or preparation of the medication to make it appropriate for a child.
In addition, many people over the years have discovered they have an allergy to certain inert ingredients found in a medication.
A compounding pharmacy can also solve this problem by creating a version of the medication that doesn’t include the inert ingredients or dyes a patient is allergic to.
Other reasons and benefits behind using a compound pharmacy include:
- Possibility of being able to create a discontinued medication due to the ability to order the ingredients and make in-house.
- Ability to add flavor to a medication to help make the medication more palatable for children, pets or even adults.
- Ability to make different formulations of a medication, allowing it to be dispensed in an alternate preparation, such as a topical cream rather than an oral medication.
Allow Solutions Pharmacy to be your go-to pharmacy for compounding services! Come by and visit our compounding pharmacy today to learn how we can help make life easier for you and those you love.