Did your healthy eating habits take a hiatus during the summer? Don’t worry. You aren’t alone! But just because you took a break from those habits doesn’t mean you can’t get back on track. Our Solutions Pharmacy team has a few tips to help you do just that. Eat (and Drink) for Your Health Let’s take a look at some ways you can improve your eating habits: First, you want to make sure you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. Read on →

Can you believe summer break is over, and school is now almost back in session? As crazy as it seems, it’s true—and our team at Solutions Pharmacy wants to make sure you are following back-to-school health tips for a successful new year! Get Into a Back-to-School Routine Check out these tips on how to make sure you are starting the school year off with healthy habits. First, you want to make sure you and your family are eating a healthy breakfast in the morning. Read on →

Are you sweating through the hot days of summer? Chances are if you are, so is your furry friend. Therefore, our team at Solutions Pharmacy wants to offer some tips to help keep Fido cool when the heat is on this summer. Doggy Day Care Believe it or not, while we aren’t exactly the same as our pets, we aren’t that different either. Just like we can suffer from heat exhaustion during the hot, summer months, so can our furry friends. Read on →

It’s official—it’s plenty hot out there! We’re right smack in the middle of a heated Tennessee summer, and the sun’s rays are particularly intense. Are you taking care of your skin by practicing sun safety? The team at Solutions Pharmacy wants to offer some tips on how to keep your skin protected this summer so you can enjoy the days of summer—without the burn! Be Smart in the Sun Taking good care of your skin in the sun requires a multifaceted approach. Read on →

Who wants to spend their days inside this summer? Not us! But before you head outdoors in our sweltering Tennessee summer, our team at Solutions Pharmacy wants to offer some tips on summer safety. Each day, ask yourself these questions: Did You Pack Your Sunscreen? Regardless of whether the weather forecast calls for sunny skies or rainy days, you need to make applying sunscreen a habit. Because, yes, even it’s cloudy, you can still get a sunburn. Read on →

While medication can help people become healthier versions of themselves, optimal health and wellness starts from within. Our lifestyle habits, like what we eat and how active we are, play a key role in determining how healthy we are. That’s why our team at Solutions Pharmacy wants to share some tips on improving your eating habits this summer! Healthy Eating Doesn’t Have to Be Hard The sun is out, which means more time to be spent outside! Read on →

By now, the word pharmacy is pretty common to you. Need a prescription filled? Go to a pharmacy. Need to pick up bandages, or find an ointment for a bug bite? You visit a pharmacy. However, what does it mean when a pharmacy calls itself a compounding pharmacy? Let our team at Solutions Pharmacy fill you in on all the details! Traditional vs. Compounding Pharmacy Many people take at least one prescription medication. Read on →