Taking Care of Your Dog in the Summer Heat | Solutions Pharmacy
Are you sweating through the hot days of summer? Chances are if you are, so is your furry friend.
Therefore, our team at Solutions Pharmacy wants to offer some tips to help keep Fido cool when the heat is on this summer.
Doggy Day Care
Believe it or not, while we aren’t exactly the same as our pets, we aren’t that different either. Just like we can suffer from heat exhaustion during the hot, summer months, so can our furry friends.
As a result, it’s vital to take precautions when heading outside with your pets this summer:
Let Them Sweat It Out
Did you know that a dog’s sweat glands are in their footpads? That can make it more difficult for dogs to rid the body of heat and keep cool. As a result, you will probably hear your dog panting in order to keep cool in the summer.
You can help your furry friend in the cooling down process by making sure water is always nearby. You want to make sure the water stays cool, so if you are providing a water bowl outside, be sure to keep it either in a shady space, or put a cube or two of ice in the water to help keep it cool.
Time Your Walks
The sun is the hottest and most intense between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. If you’re looking to help Fido get some exercise in, limit your time outside during those hours and take a walk early in the morning or late in the evening.
Anyone who’s lived in the south for long knows that the asphalt radiates heat in the summer. So avoid the pavement when you’re walking and stick to grass when possible to keep your pet’s paws cool and protected.
Leave Them at Home During Errands
Dogs should not be left in cars, especially during the hot days of summer! Even if you just plan to make a quick trip into the store, leave Fido at home.
Unless you are running errands that don’t require you to leave Fido in the car, such as running through the drive-through at the bank or pharmacy, just leave your furry friend at home until you can take a drive with him or her.
Is your family pet having difficulty taking certain medications? Talk to a pharmacist at Solutions Pharmacy to learn how compounded medication could help!