4 Tips for Building Healthy Eating Habits | Solutions Pharmacy

Did your healthy eating habits take a hiatus during the summer? Don’t worry. You aren’t alone!

But just because you took a break from those habits doesn’t mean you can’t get back on track. Our Solutions Pharmacy team has a few tips to help you do just that.

Eat (and Drink) for Your Health

Let’s take a look at some ways you can improve your eating habits:

First, you want to make sure you are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables every day. Not sure if you’re getting enough? The likelihood is that you probably aren’t!

Find opportunities to sneak in extra fruits and veggies when you can. Load your plate up with these healthy foods during your meals, but also add them to your usual foods when you can. So tuck some strawberries into your morning oatmeal, and add some cooked peppers to your lunch salad.

When you want to do something, you will. Therefore, when you want to add more fruits and vegetables into your diet, you will find a way!

Second, you want to make sure your meals include healthy carbohydrates. What exactly is a healthy carb? Essentially, put down the white varieties of foods, like white bread and white rice, and instead choose whole grain whenever possible.

No carbs are altogether bad, though, so feel free to eat the carb of your choice in moderation!

Third, make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids to keep your body hydrated. This might not seem like a healthy eating tip, but it definitely is!

The best way to make sure you are getting enough water each day is to sip on water throughout the day. It doesn’t matter what kind—so grab the tap, still or sparkling water of your choice!

Finally, you also want to make sure you are including fish in your diet at few times a week. Look for fish packed with healthy omega fatty acids, like salmon, trout and tuna. Make sure to also keep an eye on mercury content when you’re choosing fish to eat.

Did you know that some foods don’t mix well with certain medications? Talk to a pharmacist at Solutions Pharmacy to learn more.