3 Back-to-School Health Tips | Solutions Pharmacy
Can you believe summer break is over, and school is now almost back in session? As crazy as it seems, it’s true—and our team at Solutions Pharmacy wants to make sure you are following back-to-school health tips for a successful new year!
Get Into a Back-to-School Routine
Check out these tips on how to make sure you are starting the school year off with healthy habits.
First, you want to make sure you and your family are eating a healthy breakfast in the morning. Does this mean you need to have a breakfast made from scratch every single morning? Absolutely not!
But it does mean that your healthy breakfast should include a few nutritional basics, including some type of carb, lean protein and a small amount of healthy fat.
Second, you should also make sure you and your loved ones are getting enough quality sleep. Not sure if your kids are getting enough sleep? The National Sleep Foundation recommends kids get between nine and eleven hours of sleep each night.
If you don’t think your kids are getting enough sleep, start by shifting their bedtime backward a small bit each night. Keep moving backward until they can wake up restored and well-rested the next morning.
Finally, to be successful in school, kids need to be able to focus. One way to help them do that? Ensuring they get plenty of physical activity, which can boost energy level and attention.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends kids get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.
From running around the backyard to taking a walk with Fido, there is always something fun or simple you can do to make sure your family is getting enough exercise each day.
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